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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fullmetal Alchemist trivia and schedule. Tears to Tiara schedule.
Here are some few facts and trivia about Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. It will be airing on Animax on April 10 at 8:30 p.m. (Scroll down further for complete schedule).
1. It will follow the story of the manga much closely unlikely the first time it was made. This is because earlier there were only 3-4 volumes of the manga that were released, now there are 21. Here is the confirmation on ANN here. See the paragraph under the first video.
2.It has a character Isaac who did not exist earlier in the anime.
3.It will simulcast on Animax 6 days after the original telecast in Japan. Confirmation is available on Animax-Asia news page on here.
The schedule for FMA:BRotherhod telecast on Animax is:
Friday 04/10/09 Animax Southeast Asia 08:30 PM - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Episode 1 Anime Series
Friday 04/17/09 Animax Southeast Asia 08:30 PM - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Episode 2 Anime Series
Repeat telecast of the first two episode together:
Saturday 04/18/09 Animax Philippines 12:00 AM - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Episode 1 Anime Series
Saturday 04/18/09 Animax Southeast Asia 12:30 AM - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Episode 2 Anime Series
I have removed some of the timings which are simply of the repeat telecasts. Read the complete schedule on here.
This is the schedule for Tears to Tiara:
Monday 04/06/09 Animax Southeast Asia 12:30 AM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Monday 04/06/09 Animax Philippines 12:30 AM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Monday 04/06/09 Animax Southeast Asia 08:30 PM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Monday 04/06/09 Animax Philippines 08:30 PM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Tuesday 04/07/09 Animax Southeast Asia 12:30 AM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Tuesday 04/07/09 Animax Southeast Asia 12:30 PM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
Tuesday 04/07/09 Animax Philippines 12:30 PM - Tears to Tiara
Episode 1 Anime Series
View the complete schedule on here.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV2) and Tears to Tiara to premiere on Animax

Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Flaws in LaMB

Friday, March 6, 2009
The Animax LaMB blogging contest concluded
Hi All!
The blogging contest that we all had been working so hard for has finally ended and the results are out. This is as it follows:
1st- http://www.lamblamination.blogspot.com/
2nd- http://www.1-lamb.blogspot.com/
3rd- http://annahadalillamb.insanejournal.com/
Congrats to all winners and those who didn't, its not in winning, but in trying! :)
See them on http://animax-asia.com/contests/animax-lamb-blogging-contest-consolidated-list-winners
Next on the list - LaMB world premiere! :P
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Message from Cerra
We can relate this problem of Cerra to our own needs at the moment-which is also the environment. The vegetation on our own planet Earth is steeply diminishing and we need increase afforestation and reforestation rates.
So, in a way, LaMB can be related to our own society. And therefore LaMB gives us the leson of waking now.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Animax LaMB
Hi all!
Well, the LaMB T.V. trailer-cum-advertisement finally aired on Animax. It was well made and covers the importants points of the story. All the stars were named, and everything else was covered well.
I really wonder when the results for the blogging contest be announced. Even the movie premiere is coming close! So, don't miss watching, airing exclusively on Animax on March 24!