A dishonoured, masterless 13th-century samurai- a ronin- is reborn into the corrupt and computerised New York City on the 21st Century with one last chance for redemption. It is here, on the bleak and decaying battleground, that he will at last come face to face with the reincarnation of his former master's killer-the ancient demnon Agat-settle past debts, and fight for the soul of a dying civilisation.
Critical Appreciation:
- Story: The story was completely engrossing. The complexity and complications that develop through out the story are amazing. They are able to engross the reader to depths that might be unreachable by other stories. The way Miller fuses the past, the present and the future is keeps the reader hang on to the story. Moreover, it the pace of the story can rip the paint of a spaceship. This beauty of the story, merged with modern technology and ancient legends absorbs the reader into a world where technology and magic are one.
- Style of Writing and Drawing: The intensity of the plot has light -hearted humor at places, capable of not burdening the reader of the characters' desires, hopes and experiences. The dialogues are witty, but the seriousness of the situation is kept intact by the brilliant and appealing graphics.
As a concluding statement, this comic is a must for those adventure-loving, superhero fans out there. If you think you loved Batman, then this is sure to be on your list by the same author!