Hey all!
Anime and Manga have always been two sides of the same coin. The engrossing manga stories that all of us love to read are being converted to Animes, thereby increasing an audience for the manga stories and making them available to more no. of people. But with the increasing number of mangas being made into animes, most people switch from mangas to animes. This is because not only are animes more convinient to watch, but the animated form of the characters we love make us a part of the story in a deeper manner. But is this increasing no. of manga based animes threatening the existence of the mangas they were borne out of?
Even if it is, is this change bad? Animes may have a lack of bases for their origin, but manga plots will have a platform to be projected directly as animes. However, the readers of mangas may not like this very much.
Just like i said, they are two sides of the same coin. This new fashion of converting mangas to animes may be good and bad both, but the final result will be seen in the course of some more time.