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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Aniamx First Movie! policies for environment

TOPIC:- Lamination is considered a form of recycling by the Central Administration Bureau of Cerra (CABC). If you worked for the CABC what other policies would you implement to preserve the environment?
MY VIEWS:- Cerra is aplanet which is facing harsh environmental problems. If I were living on planet Cerra, and working for CABC, the tasks I would implement for the protection of the environment are:-
1. Make some groups of the LaMBs carry aforestation on the barren land.
2. I would order a certain number of shepherds to make their LaMBs clean the water-bodies.
3. I would order some other shepherds to make their LaMBs clean the roads and then decompse the bio-degradable waste.

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