Animax-LaMB is going to be released in March 2009. I can't wait to watch! Its got everrything I like-scifi, drama, love, tragedy and a lot more! When is March going to come!
I thought about posting the LaMB rules on my blog for the time being. The LaMB rules as stated on are:-

LaMBs can't touch another human being.
LaMBs act only upon instructions of their Shpherd.
LaMBs can't speak but can hear.
Every LaMB's neck brace and in-ear nano-chips are combined to translate the Shepherd's instructions into physical actions.
LaMBs will recieve deep electrocution pain if they attack another human being.
LaMBs do not have any facial expressions as their facial nerves are blocked.
LaMBs eyes will glow red when their lamination suit electrocutes them.
LaMBs do not bneed food. they survive on a special fluid that provides energy and nutrients.
LaMBs can't charge themselves . Only their Shepherds can charge the LaMBs' power system.
LaMBs technology metabolises human waste and converts it into H2O which dissipates through the suit.
LaMBs will be assigned to Shepherds by CABC.
Only elite organisations and highest level missions will recieve the aid of the enhanced LaMBs.
Lamination suits are water proof, strength-enhancing and highly heat resistant.
Lamination takes 7 days to complete.
De-lamination is possible and takes 28 days to complete.
All LaMBs don't need physical clothing and are allowed to be seen in public in their original LaMB siuts.
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