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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Animax LaMB-crime for beauty

TOPIC:-Choose a side. Are you for or against lamination?MY VIEWS:-Life and
death is a natural process and lamination is breaking that cycle. By
people, they are living for more years than they should. This is
environmental laws which should be checked.Besides, Lamination was
introduced to
protect the environment and recycle the prisoners. But by
lamination prisoners,
we are breaking their natural survival process that is
eating et cetera. Isn't
that against the laws of the environment?Also,
Prisons and jails consume a lot
of money and lamination was made to save the
government's money but even
lamination will also take up money because it is
a very hi-tech system it must
be taking up much more money. That is why I
would say that it is not a very nice
way of punishment.And there are still
many more factors which support my
thoughts.Lamination can be dangerous to
the LaMBs because the shocks they will
be given on not abiding by the laws
of being a LaMb can kill them before their
term is over.

posted on 22 dec 08 by me. But now I have changed my mind. I wud not commit a crime to stay beutiful, but i wud like to experience for once how does it feel to be a LaMB. Male LaMBs are called Adam+serial no. and the female ones are called Eve+serial no. Then even my code name wud be Eve+something! :) ! But not for a long time definately.


  1. given the choice, I would prefer hard labor for hardened criminals without the lamination suit. However, I must admit that some criminals are difficult to control because of their way of thinking and their principles. Lamination is a good way to control those few exceptions.

  2. yeah. thats true. but think about it-after their term is over, even then they might continue doing what they were already doing. maybe they will not out of fear, but that will not change their thinking. instead they just might still despise the govt. They mught even try taking their revenge. besides, its INHUMAN!
