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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LaMB release

Hi everyone! I was going through the LaMB website, and I found some new information. LaMb is going to be released on 24 March 2009! they have decided the release date! Now taht they have announced the realease date, it amkes it even harder to wait...! How long will it be till we can finally see the movie!


  1. I was trying to look for the release date in the animax-lamb.com website. I couldn't find it... Where (what section of the site) did get to see its release? Just asking for confirmation...

  2. Hi!
    when you read the web manga, on the last page of each episode, you'll see LaMB's logo, underneath which is written the date. They just changed it. first it was only 2009, then march 2009, now 24th march 2009.
