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Friday, January 9, 2009

Animax-LaMB for or against lamination

Hi all! Mysticalchemist again!

I was going thru d site http://www.cab-cerra.com/ . (Animax's site bout CABC from LaMB). This is wht it had 2 say bout lamination:

  • it saves billions' of taxpayers' dollars that would otherwise be used for building and marinating prisons and law enforcement resources.

  • lamination suits allows sentences of up to 500 yrs which deters crime and helps to maintain a low crime rate.

  • reduces illegal slavery, domestic abuse and child labour because the public can now legally engage the services of these laminated criminals.

  • lamination is environment-friendly as it reduces the release of free radicals.

  • there is no need for rehabilitation and aftercare programmes to facilitate the reintegration of a criminal back to the community and its family after his/her sentence.

i agree that these definitely serve as strong pts for d enforcement of lamination, but as i said that it is against the env.'s laws of birth & death. then there is d tax money invested in laminating criminals. and d rehab thing, i guess anyone including criminals will be highly disturbed by being a lamb. i mean, think bout it. no expression, freewill, senses and all. in a prison, at least d prisoner gets to eat food an do wht he wants inside it.

Alright d domestic abuse and child labour thing is pretty cool. imagine d no. of people u save from inhuman work conditions, BUT ISN'T LAMINATION GOT TO BE INHUMAN. and then again, where will those people go who work for a living even in those inhuman conditions!

d whole idea is brilliant in itself if it can do all tat stated above. but if i were working in CABC, lamination wud hv been baned by now.

And i ges tats wht they r going 2 do at the end of d movie. So no mater how good this punishment is, i hv more pts against it than for it.

A laminated woman

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